do people think adc is fine or has anyone who cared already given up

I've semi-given up but not really. I've cut down on the amount of League I'm playing while playing other games and if I do queue up some League I'm not just playing ADC anymore. Every once and a while the urge to ulti an entire team or CC with Ashe arrows rears its ugly head so I'll queue up for those but I haven't taken the role seriously in years. I've been having fun playing other roles and having way more impact in the games I play with less buttons.

Speaking of which, if anybody wants to feel like an actual useful ADC then go Kayle top and farm for late game using the skills you picked up from the ADC role, you'll see how much of a difference that makes. If you want to feel like you're unkillable but still scale similar to ADC's then roll Ornn, you're almost unkillable and do so much damage late game regardless.

/r/ADCMains Thread