Does anyone actually tryhard playing this role anymore?

I enjoy the role and play to improve. My favourite champions are ADC's, in special kai'sa as senna (I play her more as support). I think that a lot of players they read and watch videos about it but it doesn't actually click on them that the role is suppose to be late game focused and they try to do stuff and force early game plays where the role is not meant to.

The role is suppose to be late game focus and I have a personal preference of liking to go even further and play hyper scalers (vayne, kai'sa mainly, sometimes I play a couple of jinx games) and early games sucks, I have low agency, blah blah blah, but oh boy oh boy when I get to my 3rd item I really feel like and unstoppable force, and that's what's keep me going, it is just such a good feeling to put together a nice hard carrying games, it really makes my day, sure if the game ends under 25 minutes I feel I have no agency, but after that it feels really good, and again ranged scaling characters were always my favourite, so adc just fits my playstyle.

/r/ADCMains Thread