I Need some help, where i should practice?

1: No, but when i see a mistake i just get mad about it, soo, yes? I guess?

2:No, not really, that's because when i reflect on my work, i think a lot of negative things instead of positive.

3: Well, i use ctrl+z when doing lineart or when the sketch doesn't look like the way i've wanted to be.

4:I don't use references, i mostly think of something and go with it, i've done a little study, but never went in-depth, and no, i never thought about understanding what i was putting down in relation to real objects.

5: Yes, i've actually been diagnosed with ADD and asperger syndrome.

6: Yes, i like my work, but i want to make it even better, and no, people don't think that my art is perfect as it is, only parents and sister says that, my friends just says it looks good, or that it's better than what they can do.

7: I dunno really, i just draw it out and it comes out like this.

8: No, i never used bases in my life.

9: No, i don't really look closely to my art, i don't have that good of an eye to spot these mistakes.

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