Kind of intimidating to post my little sketches in here but any feedback would be appreciated

It literally isn’t an assumption. This is a fact that has been set in art for ages.

The post was asking for feedback and I gave it. For a character drawing, clean lines are needed, or at least clarity in relation to body structure and anatomy, clothing items, etc. Scratchy lines do not work for these because it is harder to get people to see what it is you are drawing. You need to be able to express your character and you can’t do that if you can’t tell where their face is or where their hands are.

Picasso wasn’t using scratchy lines as a sketch, it was his art style, and you could still determine what his painting was depicting. If you cannot tell what a painting or art piece is depicting, the problem is you, not art.

That’s like saying it is okay to write a comic series using all scratchy lines to the point where you can’t differentiate the characters since they have no identifying features, and then getting mad when no one can understand them since they can’t see what you have drawn.

That’s like saying generations of english rules should just go out the window because “it’s your style”. Scratchy lines ARE a style in art, just as much as smooth lines and broken lines are, but can only be used in certain contexts. Characters, animation, landscapes, and other things that are detail-dense should not use scratchy lines. However, if there is a texture that needs scratchy lines, like fur or burlap, by all means, use scratchy lines. I’m pretty sure that a character’s skin does not have a spiky irregular texture as well as their clothes and everything else though.

I’m not arguing with someone over THEIR opinion versus something that has been deemed appropriate by hundreds of artists more professional than them or me.

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