We need to STOP defending cis men who might be chasers

Why is a gay man dating a woman? I do not understand how that can be anything but being a chaser esp after all of the things that HRT changes.

An exfriend of mine (hugely into sexually harassing me) did this with another transwoman and then left her because he ended up not liking it while constantly objectifying her like she was a "man in a dress) in casual conversation. It was so disgusting.

It's the same thing with cis lesbians and trans men. I know life/attraction can be complicated, and they're is a historical connection with these communities but I can't see it as anything other than chasing because the attraction seems purely based on genitals and just transphobic right out of the gate because the person doesn't see the person their chasing after as the woman/man they actually are.

I want it to be clear that I'm not saying that cis/trans/LGBT and cis/trans/Hets can't be chasers but damn if this isn't something that I've seen time and time again.

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