Negative Steam reviews for this game in a nutshell.

Fuck off

I have no idea why you are so angry.

youre the one that started about complexes. So yeah, you reap what you sow.

I fail to see how that is relevant to my response. I wasn't implying that you had a complex, I was stating that I didn't. I didn't think I'd have to specifically phrase it that way, I feel like that was pretty obvious. I'm not here to insult anyone, and it might do you some good to realize that Reddit isn't very receptive of that. This isn't the YouTube comments section, or Twitch chat.

And no, it doesn't. I have presented arguments as to why, you haven't. It may be a good place to start for you.

Yes, that is in fact a lot better.

You're using your opinion as a fact, rather than something subjective.

No, that is not my opinion as I have not given my opinion on how well the Forest does Early Access, learn to read. I said that was not the discussion, because it doesn't do what DayZ does. Tell me, how many people have you shot in the Forest? 0, because there is no PvP, let alone gun fights.

There is absolutely PvP in the forest, you can kill other players, you can PvP. I've shot plenty, both with the Flare Gun and the Bow. If you're going to ask questions you don't know the answer to, I'd let other people have a whack at it first.

Ofcourse you don't see where I called you out, how convenient.

I said that because "Called you out" is a juvenile phrase with no real meaning.

I called you out on your bullshit statement that the Forest does everything DayZ does, but better. I refuted that statement, by stating facts which you don't.

We're comparing opinions here. I've stated plenty of facts thus far, such as PvP in The Forest, shooting people in The Forest, The Forest has a smaller budget, The Forest has a smaller team, The Forest releases more updates than DayZ, The Forest release more content on a regular basis than DayZ, The Forest sets a schedule for updates, They're both crafting/survival/zombie-esque games, etc.

All you stat is your opinion.

If you re-read your comments, 90% of what you've posted today has been pure opinion.

Clear enough for ya?

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