Neil Degrasse Tyson dropping truth bombs.

I'm not saying any of this information is correct because it's only what I've read and watched, but from my understanding, the pyramids of Giza never contained tombs. Tombs were built similar, but with flat tops, not a pyramid. The Nile river also used to be a lot closer and there is a theory that the summer solstice was so celebrated because the water would rise, fill waterways under the pyramids with water and the interact with that type of stone in a way to produce energy which would be compounded within the pyramid creating a high energy point at the peak. There's an article about a man standing at the top of a pyramid back a couple or few decades that could hear the electricity between his fingers, almost like a theramin, as he moved them closer and further apart. He built a make shift battery, went back to the top of the pyramid, and got spark.

Now, I'm not saying this story is true at all. I'm merely trying to point out that from my understanding, we have no fucking idea why these pyramids are there. What we do know is that with our current knowledge of science, math, archaeology, history, and other related's simply not possible that we could create such massive objects at that time in history. We didn't possess the technology to do so. They go in and explore pyramids and you still can't fit a piece of paper between the cracks and everything is still perfectly level. We build a house 10 years ago and everything is cracked and shifted and unlevel and crooked.

With this information, we know for sure, that there is something we don't understand in the slightest that happened. Something built these, but we couldn't replicate them today, so how did we do it so long ago?

Maybe we were more advanced once and created them and nearly exterminated ourselves due to war and tens of thousands of years have passed and everything has eroded but the pyramids remain and humankind has built itself back up and look back without a clue. Maybe aliens built or helped us build them. Maybe there was ancient knowledge that we've lost in our pursuit of furthering science and logic. Something similar to what people experience on psychedelics.

We don't know the answer. We just know we can't do it today, so how would we be able to do it in the past?

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