Network Marketing Advice?

Dear latina_girl436

The last thing you need right now is negativity.By reading some comments in this thread, it is sad to see people with full of negativity.You believe that you can become wealthy doing Network Marketing Right?You know people who have become wealthy doing it Right?

Alright, you have got the answer within yourself.You want to make something of yourself.To be honest, you have chosen the best path of life ever ( Robert Kiyosaki=Rich Dad,Poor Dad). Network marketing is the best way to start your own business at low cost and learn along the way. Now the only problem we see with people engaging in network marketing is this: They believe network marketing is a "get rich quick thing".

Let me tell you this: Network market is not a "get rich quick thing".You have got to learn to grow.

1.Just like any business starting up, you must give it 100% of your time.Time to learn and apply.If you invest yourself 100% into your business, in short period of time you will bear the fruits.

2.You must be willing to learn.Do alot of reseach and talk to those upline who can teach you the How.In most of cases, network marketing companies have got training programs where you can learn .Forums in network marketing companies are there to help each other grow.There are no place on earth, you will get the help you need building your business but a network marketing company.

3.All the tricks , technics and strategies you need to build your business, Look up your forum.

4.This is your business you are building , treat it as your business and not a job.

5.Yes I agree, some network marketing companies are not what they claim to be.You have got to shop around and detect the best to the bad.A network company with more than 6 or 7 years of experience , can be a good choice.

6.The network must provide all the help you need, training, forum and customer service.

7.Mostly in network marketing, there is a product or products to sale.You make money by salinng the products and duplication.To duplicate is synonym of building your own organisation (business).This is where you will learn leadership skills.You have been empowered , now it is your turn to empower as many people as you can.You learn leadership by doing and not reading or studying.See the difference.

8.You do not have to approach your friends and family to build a business.You only attract or approach those in need to become financially free and willing to start their own business.And believe there are many of them out there waiting and willing.

9.Many ways to do that.This is where you learn the technics of marketing.I want you to see the process here.You are learning and applying along the way.Those skills will stay with you for life.You will build confidence, positive attitude, leadership, organisational skills, motivation skills, and make money in the same time.You get there by giving it 100% of yourself.You are building a business not a job, Remember!!!!

10.Once you attract those willing by using the internet, flyers, print media, ebook guide, forums, etc...You teach them how to do the same to others.You Become compassionate by helping other to empower themselves.

  1. Duplication and marketing are the keys to growing your income and building your business.Good netwoking comapny will provide all the training you need to grow and build your business.

12.Alot of those network marketing co0mpanoies ask for a fee to join, not bad at all.Few are free to join and they train you to get where you would like to be.These are rare to spot.I can give some suggestions if that is of interest to you.

13.Fees or not fees, network marketing is the best way to escape the poverty side of life.As Robert Kiyosaki said, there 4 quadrant in life: E= employee, S=self-employ, B= business builder, I= investor.Being an E or S, you will never become wealthy as you want to.Wealthy is not just about money, it is about having the time of your life to do whatever you like to do in life.Freedom to move, go wherever you want without having second thought.You can only attain that step by being on the Right side of the quadrant( B or I ).Networking marketing stands on the Right side of the quadrant (business Builder).

14.All you have to do right, calm yourself and take the time to learn.Justr like I said earlier, Good network marketing companies will provide the training you need to grow and help is not far away.

Hope this help.You need more insight, please do not hesitate to contact by mail.Good Luck.God Bless !

/r/personalfinance Thread