TIL a pedophile in Thailand posted a picture of himself with a swirl effect on his face, allowing the Interpol to unswirl the image back and arrest him

where does it come from? Are pedophiles born that way, like homosexuals? How does society deal with a problem like that?

I'm a pedophile, and I believe I was born with it. The only other explanation I could conceived is some sexual trauma at a young age that I've long forgotten, but it's something that seems to have always been there. Either way, I think of it as a disease. I can't cure it, I just have to live with it and not do anything to hurt anyone.

Society doesn't deal with it. Overwhelmingly, it is ignored, down played, forgotten, thrown away. There is little to no help. There is no incentive for someone like me to seek help. There's a total lack of awareness of what it means. There's no research on non-offending pedophiles (because who would out themselves in return for eternal stigma?) Did you know that in the vast majority of cases of child molestation, the perpetrator is a relative? A child is more likely to be raped by a cousin or an uncle than that weird stranger at the park.

Who knows how common it actually is to be a pedophile. The ones who get caught are the dumbest ones, and the ones with no self control. They're the most afflicted and the least helped.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org