New Character Preview: Lone Crescent Bellona

See it from my perspective, if it was true what has been proposed in the last few comments design meetings would have to go like that:

"This unit has been tested and is as far as we can tell is balanced against the current meta"

"Yeah.. but give her crits for free, so people can gear her easier?"

"Sounds good!"

This is the only scenario in which you do not "pay" for easier gearing and if you think that given the same gearscore she will outperform her competition - as part of her design.. i am not even sure how someone can come to a conclusion like this.

After i used some other stats that in isolation - like looking at free crits in isolation - which is obviously not a sole predictor or being a good unit.

Now to be fair, mb i should have made this more digestable to the common 17y/o horndog distracted by booba and gamba, but god damn i can not fathom how shallow this conversation is.

I'll see myself out

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