9/2 (Thu) Balance Adjustment Preview

Some pretty good buffs, nothing to game changing, but some are useful :

  • Ravi self cr push when hit, and we need to see how much dmg she can gain with her S3 buff when someone dies, I don't about the injury, but it can kinda useful for her, and it will make killing with her S3 easier.

  • Luna is insane for manual PVE like some abyss stages. Her S3 will deal some very high dmg, element advantage + 50% def pen is scary, and her S2 will help her if you build her with counter set bruiser.

  • Kawerik finally get his stealth on his S2.

  • MORTLUL, is now much better, we need to see his new S3 multi, but 30% counter chance when hit + Elbris + counter set can really make him spam his S1 ignore def break, and he got more chance to proc his S2.

  • ML Selector Ticket, is a little better, but no one care about him

  • I don't know how to feel about Dom buffs. Her S1 and S3 are better for sure, but she lose what make her special, her reflect, but if I understand well her new kit, with skill ups, she can S2 every turn, and her S3 if very scary now 90% AOE stun + 100% cr reduction.

  • Mercedes is even better for PVE and is very good for A13 ( she can now dispel )

Merciless Glouton got worked and is pretty good, for exemple using it on Luna is great dmg buff and cr for all the team if she kill someone.

Thank you so much for the Celine Artifact buff, now the atk buff is at 100% even at +0, this will make Celine much better.

/r/EpicSeven Thread Link - m-page.onstove.com