
Not sure what others would say I am only going off of my own experience, been out almost a year (I also got out of the army in 2016 after finishing a contract) I had submitted my claim initially through the va website, didn’t hear anything for weeks then I randomly got a letter in the mail saying I had an appointment within days, happened 4 times.) I then moved to a different area (job relocation) and found I had a “Veteran Services office” in my area that actually handled these situations. I literally show up, give them my info, sign papers, within a week I have an appointment and am being seen. See if you have a veteran services alike in your area, they have made my life much easier and I have been able to speed up my process. The first time I filed it took me almost a year, this time took me less than 4 months. Any questions I’ve had relating my claim has either been emailed to me or called directly, I have only had one hick up and it was my fault. Don’t be afraid to ask questions that’s the best advice I can give you. If you need help, get it.

/r/VeteransBenefits Thread