Do newspapers in your country also write negatively about the NX?

(Also before anyone downvotes me, know that my opinion is purely subjective)

1)It's a portable handheld, yes the idea might've been explored before but they were all failures due to game limitations and streaming and android as such

2)I was specifically talking about those news sites that keep criticizing the switch because it's not innovative, or not innovative enough and yet they praise the ps4 and Ms everyday while they don't bring anything particularly new to the market

3)It's just that ps4 and XB main focus is how good can their games look and how online multiplayer works, while the story is mediocre usually.

And it's the console that made the average gamer care about graphics too much, I mean u have no idea how many people heard this "Nintendo will always fail because it's hardware is not as powerful as Sony"

Games at 1080p/720p and 60fps already looks gorgeous, why waste resources to make not even a new console, but the same console with more powerful hardware they should care about their games more instead (and supporting its vita that died from lack of support)

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