[no spoilers] S2E5 os + ed rant incoming

Gee, where were you during the massive rants of the topics you specifically listed? Literally every point you claim no-one gave a shit about was literally given a shit about on here and in the general media.

As for Cobblepot and Nygma, I just feel like, if they made them a couple, it'd be forced - for one, I don't believe for a second that Nygma's being entirely sincere; in which case, it's a fairly unhealthy relationship.

Also, there's the tragic TV trope of 'bond = couple'. What I'd prefer is for them to fully establish a relationship between Oswald and Cobblepot where they are just friends. They've already got a complex - if confusing - appreciation for one another - I feel like forcing that into romance would just seem a little...out there, y'know?

Personally, as a gay male, I don't want them being a token gay couple. There are a lot of cliches they can go down with that route - particularly in modern television - and, honestly, at this stage, a full-blown relationship [romantic or sexual] would just seem forced between two characters who have greater priorities and interests than boning one another.

/r/Gotham Thread