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Dedicated to the paths that humans prefer

Rather than the paths that humans create

A desire path (also known as a desire line, social trail, goat track or bootleg trail) can be a path created as a consequence of foot or bicycle traffic. The path usually represents the shortest or most easily navigated route between an origin and destination. The width of the path and its erosion are indicators of the amount of use the path receives. Desire paths emerge as shortcuts where constructed ways take a circuitous route, or have gaps, or are lacking entirely.

You are encouraged to find desire paths of your community and post pictures of them here.

The only part of the sidebar that could make you believe this fits is

Every post is required to be a picture of a path, discussion on the paths, or otherwise related to paths. (A path here shall be an area used to get between two or more points, the path must be used by a living thing).

And it's pretty obvious this is referring to desire paths, considering this is the sub we are in.

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