Node Needs an Abstraction Layer for JavaScript Engines

The main reason Google develops V8 engine is to power its Chrome browser. So Google has no reason to maintain compatibility for Node or any other applications using V8. Google’s priorities lies in the browser market. Hence, it has every reason to keep updating V8 for improving the performance and capabilities of Chrome exclusively.

This doesn't make any sense to me.

Google is known for dumping products (without remorse) that they don't think have enough usage. V8 has clearly been a hit. They aren't going to drop it any time soon. They want people using their products.

On top of that, 'Googles priorities lie in the browser market' is wrong. Their priorities rely in the 'web' market. A browser is just a portal to that. Node is a huge boon to Google, bc the more people that rely on their product, the more they can optimize it for the best results. Imagine everybody that runs Node gets a huge performance boost in Chrome over IE or Safari or Firefox. Guess who will be using Chrome? Everyone who needs to access a Node site.

I didn't read much past that bc I think the premise of the whole article is ridiculous.

Should Node be tied to Google? Maybe, maybe not. But spending a shitload of time/effort to get rid of all the benefits tied to taking advantage of the inner workings of V8, solely in order to choose a different engine is ridiculous.

Products that ride a fence crash and burn. It's too hard to keep your balance. Pick a direction that makes you a strong contender and commit. Use every piece of that direction to your advantage and stay ahead of the curve. Don't spend all you're time trying to appease everyone. You'll end up appeasing no one. (Here's looking at you Desktop Linux).

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