Is Nollamara considered a safe / decent area these days

I'm sure it depends a somewhat on the particular area within the suburb and who your surrounding neighbours are, but my experiences have not been great to say the least.

I live in Nollamara and have for almost 2 years now, but my lease is expiring shortly and I won't be renewing that's for sure.

Both our cars have been broken into on more than one occasion, one of which had a wheel stolen off it and was propped up half-assedly on some bits of wood which did some costly damage.

There's people roaming the streets constantly, more-so at night. Hanging around bustops, delis etc. These people are usually characters you would assume are dodgy as fuck and more often than not they are hanging around until cops come tell them to move on or their bus arrives.

I consistently hear domestics (shouting, banging etc.) from all around, both side neighbours, back neighbours and even hear it from across the street occasionally. This is usually coupled with the sounds of police sirens.

About 2-3 times a week some crack head or transient would come to my door asking for spare money or cigarettes. This slowed down after installing security lighting and cameras, but the bold still come to my door asking for handouts.

My local deli has been held-up several times. One time it was a dude that I see roaming around quite regularly, who usually has no shirt on regardless of the weather. He went in with a knife and ended up bashing some old lady before the cops arrived. Not sure what happened to the bloke but I've seen him around fairly regularly since then, so I'm confused as to what the cops even did with him.

More recently, I was getting the mail from the postbox and as I grabbed it and turned around to walk back inside I was ambushed by two blokes who threatened me and kept asking if I sold speed and then tried telling me that my car was actually their friends car, and a bunch of other bullshit.

Last night, there were approximately 30 Aboriginals just hanging out across the road for at least 2 hours, making a fuckload of noise and abusing passer-bys, including a family I saw that were pushing a baby in a pram.

While it may be "on the up", I'm unsure what it is "on the up" from, because if it were any worse I'd be trying to get my hands on a firearm.

TL;DR - My experience is that Nollamara is a fucking shit hole and I can't wait for my lease to expire so I can get the fuck out.

/r/perth Thread