Non Brits living in UK: are Brits rude?

I’m half Polish, living in the UK for ten years now and Poles are a lot more direct in my experience. They don’t smile if they don’t mean it hence I’d say might appear more cold but they are much more genuine in daily interactions. Brits are a lot more reserved and I find hard to actually know what they think or where you stand with them a lot of niceties and polities that mean nothing hence maybe the “coldness” comment. Its like yes manners are great but it comes across as fake at times. It’s a lot of surface talk not a lot of genuine conversations and generosity compared the some of the countries on the continent (bringing food, sharing, dashing it out like it is etc..). There is a reserve, a restraint and it’s a shame.

The dirty comment is abhorrent thought, clearly some xenophobic views. Not okay!

/r/AskUK Thread