Guy Snorts Moth Up His Nose

The o'l College Try

A cheap sandwich that can surely go down with a "pabst blue ribbon." In my college days, i used to eat these twice a day!


  • 2 packets of ramen noodles

  • A can of spam

  • Packets of ketchup

  • A 6 pack

  • Cheese Whiz

First, crack open and chug a beer. Open your ramen packets, and put the seasoning packet to the side. Be sure to leave the noodle squares intact.

Cover one side of one noodle square in ketchup. It should look like a murder scene after you're done. Cover the other noodle square in cheese whiz. Chug another beer.

Open the seasoning packets and sprinkle the whole thing on both noodle squares. It should stick fairly well to the ketchup. Open the can of spam, and cut it in half. Lay the halves side by side on the ketchup side. Place the other noodle square on top of the spam.

Don't forget to chug another cold one! At this point you should be drunk enough to enjoy this, but if you can still remember your name, you need to drink more.

After sufficiently drunk, you're ready to eat! Enjoy it once going down, and once coming up!

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