Non-cashiers of Reddit: What's the "It didn't scan, so it must be free hur hur hur" of your profession?

Second in command. Without fail, every time our boss checks out early someone is at my door like, "So can we go home???"

I've begun saying, "You've been able to leave any time you like since the minute you showed up" because they get a no but it makes them chuckle as they say, "Right yeah but be ready for tomorrow's consequence right? HAHA!"

But really I want to say, "I have zero concern for work schedules. Only results. If you all did today's fucking work we could have left hours ago but every time I walk over to your side of the shop you all alt-tab away from gaming videos on YouTube like I don't know. You don't even turn the sound down, man. You wanna play like you're doing your work all day, I'm gonna play like you need to be here all day."

/r/AskReddit Thread