Norm MacDonald gives zero fucks about hipster co-hosts

I'm 43, however I date MOSTLY twenty somethings. However, occasionally I meet someone my own age that I care about and date.

There is something that happens in your 30s that just isn't attractive. Unless you have a personal trainer that also portions out your food, you are simply not going to look as good as you did in your twenties. And this isn't a bad thing. I mean, I work out 3 or 4 times a week...can ride 50 to 100 miles on my bicycle without thinking about it (other than it takes me a day to do it as I have a route that takes me around to different brew pubs!)...or doing technical mountain biking...and yet I have a paunch around my stomach that looks like a spare tire. At this point in my life, the only other choice would be to eat a mushy tasteless paste and hope science fixes the rest.

Older people's bodies just aren't what they were in their 20s. Its a fact. And the hope is that we become more interesting as we get older to make up for this fact. doesn't usually happen, which is why I date mostly 20-somthings because if you are going to be naked with someone boring, might as well find someone that looks good. I'd rather have my ex that is a touring musician and occasionally plays for heads of states, no matter how old and fat she is (she isn't fat, but if I were to compare simply physicality of her and the 20-somethings? No comparison...if I were to compare the things that make her an awesome comparisons that way either).

Sarah Silverman is sexy...maybe not for her body (its in as good of shape as it should be), but because of her mind and experiences. I'd rather have someone like her any day of the week.

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