The “not all men” crowd is at it again.

i agree on most of what you have said but there is what i have to disagree on

unfortunately, the irony is in real life if it happened to a man he wont speak because he will shamed and mocked in his muscularity the same happens with most men when they subject of a domestic violence committed by a women, there is a high suicide rate among men and low reports of domestic violence , etc and that rises red flag,

the matter on equality among gender is not generalize, a wise person said "generalization is the language of idiots" if we generalize any group based on anything remember with that we are oppressing the voice of those who needs to speak!

if you generalize men or women or whites or gamers ,,,or better examples associating real victims with false accusers , you are technically ruins every chance for the actual victims to speak out or good people among groups to be associated with .

most people who are victims of this type of generalization or stereotyping are people with certain nationalities or races or religion being called terrorist , drugs lords ,,,etc,

we as humans are different from each other at least 1% in everything and that what makes us unique and we should embrace our personalities , bodies , colors , genders and souls because imperfection is a beauty and i mean it in look and appearance and biology.

as a feminist myself who's active in a 3rd world country , i see this type of wording takes away the beauty of feminism from preaching equality and that men and women should be threated the same way because we all humans .

i hope you see my point

/r/Feminism Thread Parent