My MIL called me 'too emancipated'

It sounds to me like a rant about women being pissed at other women for raising their children the "wrong way". Its very easy to judge how to raise a child without having the experience of actually raising a child. The same rebellious nature I see here from young ladies is not missing in young boys but actually elevated and magnified. Do women end up doing more house chores because they were raised to do so, because their boyfriends make them, because they are more agreeable or because there is a combination of evolutionary need to take care of the house and the people you love.

See boys care about things more then they care about people. There is a reason why dorm rooms are an absolute filth when boys live there, since the state of their environment does not bother them as much. Is your boyfriend an old fashion, Neanderthal or is the idea of a "modern man" someone sold you on an exception and only few of those to go around. Relationship is hard and needs work and compromise but I get it, women are programed to find the best male they can find that is why they trigger 80% of relationship brake outs. You got two choices in my mind: compromise if the relationship in important enough for your or move on in a search of a prince charming that might not exist. Both are fine and I wish you all the best.

/r/Feminism Thread