Men aren't funny

Humor is in the eye of the beholder. You said "we're called unfunny because men can't relate to us" when you yourself are calling men unfunny because you can't relate to them. You can't call one unfunny if they don't fit your idea of what is funny. Female comedians are called unfunny because some can't relate to them. Assholes feel the need to vocalize this and forget that humor is dependent on the opinion of the audience.

In my opinion free reign should be given to men and women in regards to their jokes. Unfortunately women don't have as much leeway because a select few can't take any form of criticism towards themselves, and these few have better control of the industry.

While I agree with you that much of what male comedians say is derogatory and bad, it is funny (to some people). You can find something funny while also identifying it as something bad. That's the whole basis for dark humor. If someone actually thinks these things are good, then of course they are a bad person, but I think you're confusing finding something funny with approval for it.

/r/Feminism Thread