It's not fair.

Phatphaec your bias is showing.....

The parternalistic constructs of language huh? Yep language forced you to create a phrase where all action is taken away from one party and given to another... This is classic propaganda slight-of-hand and isn't just the patriarchy trying to put women down through a language developed as a collective utterances of 7 billion people....

Go on. Prove it -

The demonization of single mothers is actually a religious right thing, not a conservative in general thing. And whatever their slogans... we all know they are batshit crazy so why are you even taking them into account? In science when you have extreme outliers I believe you are meant to disregard them as error....

A pregnancy might not be intentional but its doesn't mean they cannot act like adults when the reality is found out. You are putting the spermjacking thing into this subject... I don't really know why... but the fact of the matter is that whatever the woman's intentions, the two adults in a real situation that will have life changing repercussions for all involved... if this is not a time to talk open and honestly, I don't know what is...

And finally you should here some of the analogies that feminists come up with to legitimize their bullshit attitudes... just see all the fake rape reports... the fake sexual harassment reports... o and if you didn't go read that article earlier, now would be a good time to do so because it lists some more.

All in all no one is saying this is a perfect world... Very far from it, but protected class status at the expense of others is not equality... to be honest it is a bit patronizing, I feel, to women who society thinks aren't capable of competing or living like the rest of us so thus need a step up or a safety net if things fall through.. so I will close in saying this... Check your privilege bro...

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