Now THIS is shitposting

Who is "you people"?

Um, the retards who want to beat up "Nazis," like you just said you were?

If you don't understand why supporting that kind of thinking and even identifying yourself as someone who wants to assault other people is bad, then watch this fucknuts.

why aren't you as outraged over the indians being shot this week? Or any of the countless other right-wing attacks of people? Charleston? The mosque in your own country?

  1. You don't have the right to tell me what to feel and think about anything at any time.

  2. You don't know HOW I feel about anything at any time, so I'll thank you for not saying "why aren't you outraged." You have no fucking clue. Stop talking like you know me, you sound like an idiot. You thought I was a member of the KKK for fuck's sakes. First red member in history, I reckon.

  3. Of the situations that you've noted, the few that are traced to right wing people have been largely scorned by other right wing people, most notably the mosque shooting. You have no idea how much that pissed off people who identify as right wing, because it gives people like you more of an excuse to beat the shit out of us.

Don't worry though, when the people who you think are your friends turn on you for being brown, I'll be there armed and ready to put them down

Holy Christ, you're so delusional. Most Trump supporters have two things in common: they're pro-working class, and they're anti-globalism. Do you honestly think that by talking like someone who should be committed you're in any way swaying me into thinking that either of those ideologies give you an excuse to fucking kill people?

Secondly, I'm not "brown," you asshole. Why is it that when a liberal is met with a minority or woman that they disagree with they suddenly turn into rabidly racist, misogynistic idiots? You know what I'm REAL tired of? White, college aged men thinking that they know what's best for me. Fuck yourself, you self-aggrandizing psycho.

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