[NP]How do you be strong in life?

Sort by top:all and read what you feel is relevant

/r/theredpill .. On mobile so cannot link, but there is a post called 'guide to accepting yourself'.. It covers a lot of what you described.


Now, to answer your question. Why do you feel you are weak? Maybe it isn't as bad as you're making it out to be. Lots of people (myself included) live with some form of regret, it isn't a big deal. Maybe it was your decisions, maybe it was the circumstances... Either way, you can't do anything about it now.

And please stop comparing yourself to other people. I've found that ever since I began playing my game in solo mode, I'm happier. Life is unfair by design, and you can't change that by wishing it. Just do your own thing. Play with what you were dealt, and make choices based on where you want to be, not based on what xyz would do.

Here's what you should do today if you want to feel better.

  1. Get a haircut and shave.
  2. Drink some tea/coffee.
  3. Write down your top 5 priorities in life.
  4. Write down everything you dislike about yourself and then ask yourself if you can change it. If yes, be happy, if no, then just suck it up.
  5. Make a plan for the day and attack it.

PS: Spending too much time in your head isn't healthy. Set a target of reading 1 book every 2-3 weeks and watching at least 15 minutes of thought provoking video each night. Thinking about ideas is good for your brain.

And oh, do hobbies etc only if you want to. Don't do them because someone on the internet told you to. Many people who are into hobbies are actually only into them because of the social image it creates. Be honest to yourself, and remember that TV and masturbation are perfectly OK hobbies.

/r/india Thread