[nsfw] [pics] Several months past "goal."

Mostly rambling from here on:

Diet has mostly been (most to least) chicken, cooked/grilled veggies, coffee, cheese, salads, beef, eggs, cauliflower, pecans, fish.

For coffee, my 'blend' is 30 oz cup, Ruta Maya (reasonably priced at Costco) in an aero-press, 1 tbsp butter (kerry gold), 1 tbsp MCT Oil (optional), 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder, and mix is all up with a milk-frother. Well insulated cup/tumber is a must. Smoothest coffee ever. I used to use almond milk, or half-and-half, but I found these add little, while making the coffee taste worse after 30-60 minutes or so.

Looking at my before/after pics, it's a bit shocking to me. "Did I really lose that much weight." Did I really have that much weight and more (before pic is several weeks into keto)? I lost body-fat in areas I didn't know I had fat to lose.

Social has been the hardest part of keto. Free pizza, doughtnuts, meals, sushi .... there's only so much picking off toppings you can get away with, before starting to look unprofessional, or be accused of wasting food. Took a tiny sample of sushi the other day, and the starchy rice was repulsive. The whole eating at a sushi-restaurant was just far too stressful and pricey; i definitely prefer making my own.

Alcohol has also been a mild struggle, as I get free offers frequently, but I'm also alcohol-free since November. I find the social aspects of abstaining from carbs and alcohol can be quite similar.

On that note, free meals at my latest job is basically a land-mine. Sugars, breading, etc - there are hidden carbs everywhere. Even the gluten free and vegans have better options. Add my food-allergies, and bringing food is probably my only realistic option. On a more positive note, I now have convenient gym access at work and am far more likely to exercise more as a result.

In terms of shaping up, I've certainly lost more fat, but feel I've naturally gained lean muscle (without exercise). I forget the source, but remember some quote about "with keto, people tend to go down in waist-size, and up in jacket size."

The one part I'm slightly unhappy with is my stomach area, which is most obvious in the "keto butt" picture. Given that area seems to act like a balloon, depending on how much water/coffee i drink (a lot), probably only exercise is going to do anything further about that.

Lastly, in terms of food quantities, I do eat more than I did in the early stages of my keto diet, which makes sense. Staying on keto, I don't feel like i crave food, or need food nearly as much. If I over-eat, I tend to be satisfied for much longer.

/r/keto Thread