NY on PAUSE extended to May 15

More like until we address and confront the reality. It's killing just about only 65+.

It's not a pleasant truth and everyone loves to scream and point at the outlier cases, but for anyone under 45, it's just above (lower the younger you get unless infant) 2%...who need the hospital. Not even kill rate.

The terrifying truth is for health fit people in their twenties and thirties and especially teens, it's like 0.05% like half a percent. And that's again not kill rate.

It gets scary at around 50+ when each 10 years doubles the deaths and hospitalizations. Upto about 8%. Now that's fucking scary. 8% of every single elderly person? Our system cannot handle. Hence the extreme measures.

But realistically, to most, this really is just a flu. And for about 25-35%, it's literally nothing.

We aren't ever going to get a vaccine. Not ever. Not at any great efficacy. Mers and sars and other similar corona viruses really have not ever had successful vaccination trials. Ever. Maybe I'm wrong, but... To those saying "a year" They're just not aware of how this stuff works.

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