Sorry , I'm not very good at describing or explaining situations and I figured to convey the message of the type of course I was looking for was to be as arrogant as possible while looking like I was trying to cover the arrogance with a little humility which would enhance the arrogance portrayed , all for a different purpose .

Firstly , I want to thank you for taking time to make this reply . I really appreciate such sincere replies a lot , and when I started reading your reply I immediately thought "this is good"

I want you to give this a good read because while this may not be the advice you want, it is the advice you need. I'm not going to mince my words or go easy for you. Everything is going to be harsh and brutal truth, because I don't want to see you fail in life.

Don't worry , this is exactly what everyone should desire for when asking for advice , holding back is not going to help the person optimally and I appreciate this essence of your reply a lot .

No, you're not academically gifted. Academically gifted means you are able to perform well academically. There is a difference in being academically gifted and intelligent and you are not academically gifted. Also you write a lot worse than someone who was asking for advice a while back, a person who supposed dropped out of school. Maybe you're really smart, I can't tell yet, but you're definitely not academically gifted.

Incorrect usage of words , my bad , just realized what I just typed meant being gifted at coping well academically and further excelling at it or something to that effect ...

Everything you've typed here is BOASTING. Your skills are all worthless in IT. I'm sorry but I need to be brutally honest or the point is not going to get into your head. You think you're academically gifted and really smart. You may have potential to be, but right now, you're not. You're nothing.

This part of my reply was meant to help potential advisors understand what kind of courses I would prefer because I'm clueless about what I would like myself as I lack experience in the various paths available for me . I do realize that those skills were useless in the course of IT , those were in fact merely basics of everyday usage , therefore the "but that's all about I have for IT" , hope you understand .

As for the attitude part , I am completely aware , it is my own exams and my own responsibility . I've bashed myself over this issue countless of times already . But the advice I'm looking for right now after all the replies I got is on studying abroad for a degree , I am very keen on it and I hope you have some advice for me .

Don't enroll in IT unless you're sure it's what you want to do. I started a programming course in C/C++ when I was 16 after Os. My parents encouraged me to. I actually found it interesting at first, then I hated it because it became repetitive. It was then I realised that I didn't want to be doing that 5 days a week when I was an adult. BUT that programming course did land me my first job in a web design firm. It still proved useful. My advice is go and do many things and fail at them, be good, be bad at them. Only then will you ever learn what you want to do. If you've never tried anything, you'll never figure out what you like. Go learn a lot of shit and do a lot of shit. Don't choose the course you dislike the least, that's a perfect way to live a safe, boring, regretful life. Go do stuff till you find something you like. And work fucking hard at it. That's all the advice I can give you now.

Yeah . I'm slating the IT courses as my last resort as advised by /u/ccaian . As for the trying out stuff , what are the durations you recommend ? At the moment I feel like spending a year to try out one course is a very risky thing and I'm not sure if its worth it ...

There are no short cuts to success. The courses are shorter but the degrees are probably less recognised. Once again, ask yourself what you want. And stop chasing a piece of paper.

Less recognized in Singapore only or internationally ? I heard from my cousin that it is only less recognized in Singapore and about the same or better internationally :O

Seeking your enlightenment , thanks !

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