Occam's Razor would suggest suicide is the right answer to life.

Man, I've gotten nowhere talking it out. I'm so through with anti-depressants that make suicide a compulsion instead of a good idea. I'm tired, yo, and even though I'm stone cold sober, have been for a few months now, after years of hard addiction trickling down into a more benign marijuana habit, things felt better for like a week, then my mind cleared up quite alot, and lo and behold, the thoughts are still all there, the conclusions seemingly just as valid as ever, only more lucid.

I just want out. I've sought redemption, or help, for years, man. I've got into the best shape of my life recently; I've paid old debts, both monetary and emotional; I've seen probably 20 doctors and psych grad students (poor and all; beggars can't be choosers); I legit found my center with mindfulness and just a smattering of self help books read over the last 5 years, which largely removes the suffering from my life, but the conclusions I have about life in general, no, humanity in general, are still all there, only they don't tear me apart so much; and for it all, it seems like the only thing that motivated me was the prospect of getting to be a regular human again, of feeling like something, anything but drugs and dying, was a good idea, but that never came. I've been off heroin for a number of years now, I'm not sure how many because looking back at that time is like trying to see yourself in a mirror after a hot shower, and I keep thinking that I'll return to some semblance of real life, but I just keep staying the same (not the same as withdrawal me, oh no. Just the same Eeyore mentality that it left me with).

Maybe some people are just too broken to love life anymore. Not even "in pain" kind of broken, so much, as just so weary, so empty, so bored, that nothing at all seems worth it.

I dunno. I'm really not looking for pity, I'm trying to make my thoughts on this whole thing cogent before I do anything, so maybe the decision won't hurt the ones I love; maybe they can understand why. And Reddit is discerning if it is anything.

Does this make sense?

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