Alright Infinity Ward here it is, constructive feedback from a veteran Call of Duty player:

From a technical standpoint the game especially considering this is still beta stage is fantastic. The audio and visual design is fantastic, performance is well optimized, and gunplay also feels great. Where the game falls short is almost entirely down to the actual gameplay, despite the developers claiming the game was being designed with multiple play styles in mind the game feels heavily stacked in favor of slower paced play styles.

To be clear I understand the desire from a business perspective to cater to the casual community. It’s my understanding that is what SBMM has always been there for and I’ve made my peace with the fact that SBMM is here to stay. But this time around, on top of SBMM it seems you’re also catering ALL gameplay elements toward casuals as well so much so that the game hardly feels like Call of Duty. Ultimately the game plays too slow, painfully, boringly, miserably, slow. However with these additions/tweaks the game will play more like the fast paced arena shooter we all know and love and be more enjoyable for all players involved.

Additions: - Traditional mini map. Red dots appearing on the map is a staple feature of the Call of Duty franchise it allows players knowledge of enemy positions when they’ve fired an unsuppressed weapon and gives players additional confidence to move around the map therefore improving the general pace and flow of a match.

But what about the poor casuals who won’t be aware of this feature like the veteran players? Won’t that put them at a disadvantage? NO, thanks to SBMM those players will never be matched against the veterans.

  • More pacing options for the core Multiplayer maps. Easiest way would likely be to add 10v10 similar to that of MW19. Best way in my opinion is the “Combat Pacings” system ripped straight from Call of Duty: Vanguard. The combat pacing system is the single best innovation to the franchise I have ever seen. It allows players to play the game at the pace of their preference. People seeking a slower pace can get that, people seeking a faster pace can have that as well.


/r/ModernWarfareII Thread