Is it okay to ask someone if he‘s a boy or girl?

I guess I do live in a fantasy. I wake up with a mission to treat all people equally, regardless of their sex, gender, or race.

You wake up as a victim. You live in this fantasy that well intention supporters like me must be bad and against you; it must be from total boredom that you do this.

I will continue my fantasy of equality, but keep this in mind: My fantasy has no place for hate, entitlement, or people of any creed who project false victimhood and attack well meaning people like me.

You are a total insult to the LGBT community. You are a false ambassador to all minority genders with your fake unwarranted outrage against well meaning people like me. You can't win, because I will continue to accept all people, and your idiotic unwarranted pity party won't change my openess, or my kindness.

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