On Fire Emblem Fates and Pessimism

Well...Tough. I mean I'd be perfectly fine with no kids but to actively want them removed, that just seems pretty selfish.

I have beaten Awakening several times. Yes sometimes with extremely broken kids having Galefore armies which made the game insanely easy, but that was an active decision that took quite a bit of effort. You could absolutely beat Awakening using no kids no problem.

I will count that second point as valid, but to me Characters are characters be them kids or not.

Since when is having to put time in to be a completionist a bad thing? If you wanted to see all supports in old Fire Emblem games you'd have to grind units you didn't want to level. I didn't want to Level Nils in Lyn's story but did so for a side quest. And thats all those kids quests were, just side quests. Nice chunk of EXP and a recruit. Hardly necessary unless you're going for 100% clear, in which case you should have to put work in.

Yes the kids are inherently powerful, but they wouldn't be out right broken at first unless you made them that way. I don't think a feature should be removed just because you can't bring yourself not to abuse it. That is generally how I feel about most games though. I don't think new features should be removed unless they are bringing absolutely nothing to the table.

My only real complaint about kids coming back is I just don't see how it will make sense...A time skip would be new and honestly it would be nice. However if it is time travel again...that would be really shitty and just not very Fire Emblem to me. It made the most sense that it is ever going to make in Awakening I feel since that was a pivotal part of the Story with Lucina.

Also, I do agree that a lot of the support conversations left a lot to be desired and do hope that isn't the case again. I don't think kids being an option should cause a lack of depth in the supports again.

If they can make kids being playable at least half-way decent storywise then ok sweet lets see it, but even if they are as powerful as the last batch that does not make it game breaking unless you make it that way. You can get by without them without much loss.

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