On First Nations issues, there’s a giant gap between Trudeau’s rhetoric and what Canadians really think: exclusive poll

I think education is the answer. Can I recommend some resources?

Colonization Road - a documentary, it's a hard watch and you might not 100% agree with all of it, but try to approach it with an open mind and understanding.

Canada's Dark Secret - the history of residential schools, featuring the Mohawk Institute (the school featured in the article)

The trailer for In Jesus' Name by Sue Enberg, which examines St. Anne's school and the fights the survivors have had to endure to have their experiences acknowledged (spoiler: they haven't been acknowledged.) This is only the trailer, but you can research St Anne's school if you feel so inclined.

Warning that the latter two may be very upsetting, and please ensure you're practicing self care if you're feeling upset watching them. If you have a really strong reaction, feel free to PM me. I might not respond right away and I am not a mental health professional, but I am available to help.

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