My teenage son smokes Cannabis and says “At the time, I don’t see any reason to stop. In fact, I’ll probably smoke pot for the rest of my life”

Would you automatically assume that someone who enjoys drinking wine or cocktails regularly is UNHAPPY?

Marijuana makes a person feel good, the same as alcohol, pizza, and ice cream & pie. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying it.

UNLESS of course, it’s negatively impacting your life somehow. But as you say, he seems fine.

I’m no expert on these matters, and in fact I don’t smoke marijuana and have only tried it a few times. I am in fact a recovering alcoholic. So no drugs or alcohol for me, please...but even I can see how marijuana is typically MUCH MUCH less harmful than other drugs, and certainly less harmful than alcohol. Also it’s clear that society’s attitude toward marijuana is changing slowly but surely. Soon there will hardly be any stigma attached to using it.

Only time will tell how it affects people far into adulthood.

/r/Parenting Thread