One of the reasons teenagers are "moody" is because they're expected to act like adults while being treated as kids

Funny story: On the titanic, boys from the age of 12 and up were listed as men. You may correct me on this, but when they said women and children first, they meant boys under the age of 12. So next time when your parents hit you with something across the lines of „In the good old days...“ think of the fact that a good century ago, you would‘ve drowned in the cold ass ocean because in that society you actually were an adult. Not everything was better, your dad wouldn‘t have wanted to drown at 12 either. But still, if people can expect from a 12 year old to be willing to die then they can also give you the freedom to choose your own haircut, even if times have changed (thank god). Oh they could drink alcohol too.

/r/teenagers Thread