One of the snobbiest ads you'll ever see: Jennifer Aniston for Emirates Airlines

If you're going to compare two sides of an argument, you should give the facts for both sides, not just the side you've already made your opinion about. There are benefits to travelling by car over plane over short distances which you didn't mention. It might be a 3.5 hour flight but how much time and money did it cost to get to the airport at least an hour early before going through security and checking your luggage which might be lost permanently by the airline. Also consider the time getting from the airport to your final destination, and consider the inconvenience and cost of not having a car at your destination. You're not allowed to bring a list of completely normal everyday things in your carry on bag and certain medications and food are prohibited entirely depending on where you're travelling to and from. You then sit down and wait until you're called by other humans who instruct you what to do. You have to walk, cab, or use public transportation with whatever luggage you might have at all times except when you're on the plane or at your destination.

A car is much more than just a means of transportation; it's your own personal living room with your own preferences and your own rules, on wheels. A plane is a bus with very strict rules that flies. I would also imagine a 2014 Accord gets considerably better mileage than 30mpg over long distances on the highway too. Google says 36 highway mpg.

I agree that plane travel is more efficient almost always over a certain mileage threshold but there are still downsides to consider when comparing with a car over short to medium distances.

In the case that something goes wrong, you might experience an absolute terrifying last few minutes of life as the plane descends increasingly rapidly before a fiery death. Car crashes suck too but they're quick and there's usually far less anticipation when something goes wrong. The majority of car crashes aren't fatal, and I assume it's the opposite for plane crashes. Could be wrong though.

There's the radiation that you'll get in a plane that you won't get as much in a car. Certain medical conditions will make flying torturous and flying can also exacerbate certain medical conditions.

I always choose to fly over drive if it makes sense but there are plenty of reasons to drive over fly.

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