Online Multiplayer Game in P5!

I'm enjoying playing this ;p

Sometimes when mining stone and the stone turns full white, it doesn't break but resets.. It breaks the second time.

Add a 'user-select: none;' to the body's css style to prevent the right click menu.

I've encountered a zombie that was hiding underneath a tree, but when I attack it the game crashed.

Uncaught Error: update failed: values argument contains NaN in property 'room 1.entities.zombies.NaN.knockback'
at rs (validation.ts:135:11)
at validation.ts:274:5
at Fe (util.ts:374:7)
at Go (validation.ts:272:3)
at la (Reference_impl.ts:791:3)
at Su.update (Reference.ts:645:20)
at damageServerZombie (server.js:452:13)
at Tool.hitZombie (tool.js:217:7)
at Tool.attack (tool.js:130:18)
at Player.update (player.js:146:23)
/r/p5js Thread Parent