Only 3 years of smoking, already came across all of them.

I'll add a few types i've personally encountered since i started smoking myself.

In college:

The Hipster in several varieties:

-The one who only smokes american spirit ultra-lights. Smokes to look cool. Will criticise anyone who smokes marlboro reds or any other "Chemical commercial trash".

-The RYO hipster, this one always carries around a pouch of american spirit rolling tobacco. But he's never seen actually smoking any.

-The pipe tobacco connoisseur. Has at least three different types of pipe tobacco on him at any time. Often seen holding a pipe in his hand, or holding one in his mouth. Is quite a lot like a Vape Naysh cultist since he looks down on other forms of tobacco/nicotine use.

The Eternal Quitter:

-Usually a chick with a raspy voice.

-Wears one of those coats with a fake fur collar.

-Has been trying to quit. And as such doesn't buy packs of cigarettes anymore. Still bums a biggie any time someone goes outside for a smoke.

In high-school:

The Wannabe Greaser:

- Under 18 and as such doesn't have a drivers license. (Europe)

He will talk shit about other peoples cars tho. While he rides a bike to school.

- Can usually be seen wearing a faux leather jacket.

- Uses outdated American slang. Which doesn't work in the US and if you translate it into Dutch its even weirder.

-Asks people to buy him packs of camel nf cigarettes even though he never seems to smoke. Probs only rolls him into his sleeve.

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