What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy ?

Sure it is! For a long time in the 20th century, people made fun of comic book fans for being childish nerds. The idea of a comic book movie was laughed at because no one thought anyone would ever see them.

Now some people only go to theaters for superhero films; not only are they popular but the people involved with it are incredibly passionate about their product. Examples of this passion range from the Pulitzer winning artist Kendrik Lamar producing an entire album for Black Panther to Heath Ledger locking himself into his apart for a month to get into character as the Joker, which won him an oscar.

Sure you don't have to be elegant or stylish to watch a superhero movie. However, classy also means admirably skillful and graceful; an example of this would be Into the Spiderverse, which has incredible flowing animation, a talented cast, and some of the biggest artists in the industry performing the soundtrack. They're certainly classier than most movies right now.

Also classiness can also mean having or reflecting high standards of personal beliefs. Did it ever occur to you that people enjoy these films because they value those beliefs? The reason Captain America became popular was because it offered Americans hope during WWll. Spiderman is probably the best example of classiness in superheroes; despite having a shitty life, constantly screwing up, and being hated by most of the media, he still chooses to be spiderman. That's the reason people watch these movies, because they inspire us to improve; how is watching a movie that encourages people to improve not classy?

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