The only reason Las Vegas exists today is because Russian-armed terrorists installed a czarist-style dictator and held Cuba hostage for generations. They’d easily be top 5 most geopolitically and economically powerful countries in the Americas and a trusted peer in the western alliance right now.

I don’t think calling someone a child with a head injury is passively mocking. I suggest you maybe reflect on that.

I did. Deleted it basically as soon as I said it I’m pretty sure. Seemed like a situation where “just because you’re right doesnt mean you need to be an asshole” so I deleted it.

Again though, notice this reflexive NO U whataboutism that you literally cannot help but do. This is (I’m not saying this to be mean just sit on it) literally how cults and totalitarian societies control the minds of their people. If you find yourself like reflexively feeling a compulsive urge to NO U away from self-critical thought, that’s EXACTLY how you know you’re in a cult.

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