Opinion: No, don't punch more Nazis.

Well, I think he/she's saying you refuse to face the truth and you really seem to go out of your way to appease the Nazis you claim aren't really Nazis. You also seem to be in denial about the fact that the POTUS is a White Nationalist. He has done everything, outside of using the term 'white nationalist' to describe himself, he possibly can to let the world know that's what he is. This country is in real danger of becoming an autocracy. Hell, the Kochs and their cronies are very close to having a Constitutional Convention being seated. The people that would form the majority bloc would include some very far right wing folks who espouse the philosophies of the worst reactionaries. What the hell do you think is going to happen then? Free healthcare and equality for all? You refuse to admit to the reality of the situation. Donald Trump is a white nationalist. He is an autocratic reactionary. Nazis, fascists and white supremacists have his ear, and he is acknowledging that on a daily basis, the GOP has become the party of know-nothing, science hating, intolerant, greed-driven thugs and there you sit carrying on about 'how it's not all that bad'. It is that bad and more. You're placing faith in Democrats who have shown no backbone in thirty plus years when it comes to standing up to the GOP? What makes you think they're about to start? Do you really think the gerrymandered House is going Democratic next year? Especially with GOP legislatures further eroding voting rights? Do you really think the corrupt, craven Republican Party is going to suddenly give a shit and shitcan Day Glo? Even if they started giving an actual shit about the nation tomorrow, they would still be terrified of getting primaried by Two Scoop's base next summer.

But okay, Mr. Chamberlain. You have a big ol' bowl of 'Peace In Our Time Flakes' for breakfast and go on your way, keeping your head down and hoping you don't make any gopers angry.

/r/u_washingtonpost Thread Parent Link - ashingtonpost.com