Why other religions dont stop people from switching religion.

Christians oppress women as well, just not nearly to the extent that Islam does and even Christian women have realized this and don't take it anymore. It isn't even uncommon for a man to stay home with the children while the wife works and gets the bills paid.

That's because western Christians are all lucky enough to be liberalised and do not practice the true Christianity. Islam IS less barbaric than Christianity because it is a younger religion and the reason why it didn't fall into the route of Christianty is that it is much more strict when it comes to memorising its teachings. In fact, I and millions of other children right now, have been memorising the Quran since the age of 5.

Anyway, it really is such a sad thing because one of the biggest reasons why Islam was created was to eliminate the oppression Arab women faced in the 7th century (like the burial of daughters). When islam spread, it didn't take into consideration that the laws within it which made the Arab world so progressive had the opposite effect on countries that weren't as misogynistic. At one point, Islam helped my country's women cut ties with being overly dependent on their husbands and start their own businesses but on the other hand they went from being able to show their traditional dresses which exposed their chest, arms and ankles to now being covered from head to toe and only wearing such clothes at home. Women also think that they're less intelligent than men (it's common for our mothers to tell us they're 'dumber' and 'weaker' than us when we're 15+) and less religious (due to them having more excuses to not pray or fast e.g. pregnancy and periods) therefore why Muslims believe there are more women in hell than men. Plus, of course Christians and Muslims hate women when they've been taught how eve was the one who caused humans to be banished from heaven in the first place.

Besides the white supremacists, no one really wants to be labeled as islamaphobic because it really isn't true, but people are quick to place that label when the religion is criticized.

I was a religious freak when I came to the west even though I was about 8 or so and I was always weirded out that even though we were taught our only purpose of living was to serve God and satisfy him through prayer and the 5 pillars etc.. Why do muslims cower away from war and death? God is to be feared over these trivial reasons especially when the mental anguish and physical pain we'll recieve for eternity in hell will obviously be worse...it makes absolutely no sense other than the fact our will to live is clearly stronger than our love for religion. Also, muslims aren't even meant to be in 'infidel' countries because they'll lose their faith easily which is already happening; muslim women are wearing makeup and tight clothes while the men are drinking, smoking and are detached from their religion to impress their pleasures over God. They cherry pick and get angry at "islamaphobia" (which is mostly reasonable anti-immigration) because it distrubs the benefits they're receiving.

making women stay at home and only allowing them to go outside if they are covered.

This reminds me when I was 14 a while ago and picked up my little brother from my aunt's friend's house who wears a niqab and while at the door, I could see she had her hair and face uncovered since my aunt was supposed to pick him up but had to cook dinner and so a few hours after I picked my brother up, my mum was telling me not to go round anymore because the women's husband forbade her from seeing other men.

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