
No I am not downplaying the Polack in me. But there is much more German heredity in my bloodline than Polish. Polish IQ and German IQ exceed hispanic IQ by 20 points. You're so desperate to imagine that hispanics are of some relevance to the world. The only relvance your people have are cleaning toilet bowls and mowing grass for the white man. Your people are the modern equivalent of African slaves for the white man. The majority of you do menial labor jobs for less than minimum wage. Your people are a burden on the school system because of exceedingly low IQ and inability to pass basic tests. "No child left behind", the dumbing down of public education in America was done to account for the inability of hispanic students to achieve anywhere near the level of whites. Higher violent crime rates, higher drug-addiction rates, and lower education rates are all qualities of hispanic-Americans. For all of the shit filled toilet bowls you clean, your people will always bee known as janitors and grass mowers in this country.

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