It Wasn’t the Russians: Hillary Lost Because She Blew Off Sanders and His Voters

You need to work on reading comprehension.

More insults.

One, "same number" as in same percentage stayed home. 15% is what I quoted, getting that number from Nate Silver. Let me give you an example: 75% of 20 is 15. 75% of 100 is 75. Same percentage, but one number is bigger, right? No shit.

You're still avoiding my question of how that statistic proves what you're trying to say.

Second, for a "terrible campaign", she nearly won, and is still the second most voted for person in the history of this country, right behind Barrack Obama.

That doesn't address any of the points I made.

Any single factor -- Russian Hacking, not hiring DWS, whatever -- could have tipped the balance. That's what the smart, number-crunching analysis has said over and over. And over and over.

How convenient! We could just say that the weather made her lose the campaign then if anything is equally likely to have cost her the election. You know what I think cost Hillary Clinton the election? Hillary Clinton. I'm not sure why so many people like yourself are so intent on finding anywhere else to put the blame.

Third, this "ran as insider in an outsider year" campaign garbage needs to die.

That's your opinion, I think you're wrong. If Sanders was the nominee, I think many more people would have came out to vote Democrat in the general and we wouldn't have lost nearly as many seats. Having a candidate like Clinton, plus the news and people like Nate Silver telling everyone that she was a sure thing, she apparently wasn't.

Fourth, I love how you're not a cyber security or law enforcement expert, but your doubt, over the word of 17 intelligence agencies,

I'm so sick of hearing that soundbyte. When they say 17 agencies, they mean the Director of National Intelligence who oversees the agencies said this, James Clapper. James Clapper is the same man who said under oath that the NSA was NOT collecting data on Americans. So yes, I absolutely doubt his word. He's a known liar.

It's baffling to me that someone would blindly give their trust to agencies that specialize in subterfuge and espionage, and specialize in lying to people. These people have zero ability to spot when they're being played.

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