Bernie Sanders has no time for Mitt Romney’s bullshit

Alright guys i make 35k a year after taxes and insurance premiums. My out of pocket max is 4k i have no problem paying for it. And i have a heart problem and a pacemaker so seeing my cardiologist and pacemaker doctor will pretty much meet my out of pocket max. I have about $300 left over after bills and i drive a 2019 camry. My rent is about 720 a month for a 3 bedroom duplex. I understand cost of living is different in other places but i live in middle of nowere fucking idaho. I am on no assistance and am a single dad with 1 kid. I frequent reddit quite a bit and i see a lot of people wanting socialism or ubi, i just dont see why. Democrats are complaining about healthcare but i am having no issues with it. I have to wait like a month to see my cardiologist but thats because he is one of the best and the dude is super busy. I can go see a primary care doctor and it will only cost a hundred bucks. I was never on obamacare so i dont know what that is like but all these democrats are talking about the problem they created. And i dont see a problem right now. Now this is my personal opinion i think many people are living way out of there means. I dont blame them we see on tv everyone is partying buying cool stuff and in this world its so easy to blow through cash in a single night. I dont see ubi or socialism helping with this.

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