This painting was hanging on the dining room wall of my mother-in-law's house for decades. Signature is bottom edge on the left. Any information would be appreciated.

I really love this piece! It caught my eye the moment I saw it flash betwixt my feed. I keep coming back to it.

I searched for any name I could conjure that resembled the signature, and I cannot find anything! I cannot make any sense of that name(?). I think I tried most of the letters. What even is that first letter??

Anyway, it looks American to me, possibly southern.. from mid-1800s into the 1900s. I searched for these terms extensively and still: Nothing. All I can say is that it seems there are similarities, with the style in your painting, and with other watercolors from that time and place. It's too broad. I think we need another piece of information.

Is it a wedding?? I really hope you find the artist because I am head over heels for this piece; I'd love to see more!

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