Parents don’t want puppy after adopting it??

I'm just saying this as a new dog owner with an extreme case of new puppy blues

Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket and shut the fuck up.

Are we supposed to just instantly know how to take care of a dog? Do you not understand that every single dog is different and not every single regret post is as cut and dry as "I got dog but don't want to take care of it now" because I'm pretty sure you do with that boomer attitude you got going.

You made a commitment for life suck it up

When OP was never the one that made the commitment you absolute genius.

You're tired of regret posts, I'm tired of jackoff Redditors with a HS diploma thinking they know what they're talking about. Stay the fuck away from any new pet owner if you're seriously going to be this dense.

/r/Pets Thread Parent