Does Josie look the way she does from being premature or is she just randomly pale?

I’m a researcher by training so I apologize in advance from rambling, but there is a lot of anecdotal evidence in this thread, but not a lot of proof.

The research literature says that 1/3 of preemies have a major condition like cerebral palsy or cognitive disability. 78% of preemies have a condition manifest in adolescence like a psychiatric disorder compared to 38% for full term births and predictors of early mortality, like heart disease, are a major risk with 68% of preemies having at least one predictor compared to just 18% for full term births.

With that said, there is a lot that comes along with being a preemie, even as you move into childhood and beyond and in theory her paleness could be linked to some of these conditions as heart defects/problems, for example, are associated with pale skin. Semantics, but her paleness would not be just because she was a preemie, it would be because she has an underlying condition (caused by being a preemie) that causes her to appear that way, at least according to the research on the subject of preemies since physical appearances of preemies later in life is less clean cut (essentially, you’d be hard pressed to pick a preemie out of a lineup of children/adults). The skin develops quickly out of the womb and my quick research search found nothing to suggest differences in skin tone or any other characteristic of preemies beyond right after birth.

So she could also just be pale. I’ll throw my anecdote out there. I’m very pale, have lots of visible veins and was born full term weighing 8lbs12oz (was severely jaundice though and required monitoring for an entire year, but otherwise healthy). No underlying heart conditions and not premature. Just pale…and well yellow at birth.

/r/DuggarsSnark Thread